Author: Media Admin
Severe InfoSec shortages by 2021: Here's what you can do about it
Organizations need to revise their perceptions of cybersecurity, and focus on cultivating a new InfoSec workforce using tradecraft enhancement.
Stronger together: Collaboration is key for information security
Cybercriminals have learned that they are stronger together than they are on their own. The same applies to InfoSec teams.
Why women are key in winning the InfoSec war
The InfoSec workforce is dealing with a gender gap and, consequentially, increased security risk. That's why it's important for women to develop strong skills in InfoSec.
It's time to step up your InfoSec game
Organizations have two choices: step up their InfoSec game to prepare for the threats of tomorrow, or remain bogged down by traditional modes of thinking that make them susceptible to cybercriminals.
ERSPAN, or Why I Can't Wait for Bro 2.6: Part 1
Bro makes my life easier. However, now that virtualization is almost everywhere, getting access to traffic that occurs only within an ESXi cluster is difficult.
Unpatched WordPress sites at critical risk of attack
Since WordPress publicly disclosed details of its security vulnerability, the frequency and number of attack campaigns have spiked.
Hacking your way to stronger InfoSec: Part 2
The best way to make sure your security team is prepared for a hacker's sophisticated tactics is to train like hackers.